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6 Tips for Bringing a Toddler to the Garden

Olivia • Jun 23, 2021

Perhaps you want to join us at the garden but you don’t get a lot of free time without your kids, or you would like to teach your kids all there is to learn from tending a garden. Either way, here at High Street Garden we love when families (with kids of all ages) join us. I joined the Community Garden this year and thought I would share some tips that I have learned from bringing my almost 2 year old with me...

1. Bring their own tools.
We have a little trowel set that was from the dollar store ages ago that we bring with us. Toddlers are little sponges who want to do exactly what you are doing and be a part of everything, so rather than navigating a not quite coordinated (at best), two foot tall human trying to wield a shovel, we have found it is best to have something more manageable for them to participate with. 

2. If you are able to, bring back-up.

There is a very tempting playground within view of the garden. Having a second family member or friend who is there primarily to keep your toddler in check will give you an extra 10 or 30 minutes at the garden when they just can't resist the charms of the playground anymore.

3. Have low expectations and be kind to yourself.

Following tip number 2, will the week that you bring your toddler solo to the garden be your most productive time? Heck no! Your fellow gardeners will completely understand. You will have to drop everything to chase a runaway toddler. You may have to take a break to nurse, reapply sunscreen, tend to a scraped knee, spend some time on the playground. Do what you can, don't take on a super ambitious job, communicate with your fellow gardeners about what you were able to accomplish and what you weren't. You can stay for as much or as little time as works for you.

4. Prepare for mess!

The activities that keep toddlers the most occupied at the garden are digging in the dirt, weeding, watering the plants and going for rides in the wheelbarrow. Dress them in clothes and footwear that you don’t mind getting dirty or wet - it will happen. 

5. Bring snacks.

When all else fails, it might buy you a few more minutes to finish the task at hand.

6. Introduce them to the harvest!

When we first started coming to the garden in the spring the chives were in their glory. We showed our toddler that you can eat them and now, every week we pick chives to enjoy while we garden and for the wagon ride home. 

The benefits of bringing your toddler to the garden most certainly outweigh the hassle of wrangling a child sized tornado. Showing our children the journey food takes before it is ready to nourish and be enjoyed gets them engaged and interested in trying new things. It promotes healthy and sustainable life choices in the long run while also showing that good things take time. So, whether you bring your child with you every time you visit the garden or just occasionally, you are welcome to join us on Sundays 9:00-11:00 and Tuesdays 5:00-7:00 all summer long!

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